Wandelgids Italy's Grande Traversata delle Alpi GTA | Cicerone
GTA: Through the Italian Alps from the Swiss border to the Mediterranean
A guidebook to Italy's Grande Traversata Delle Alpi (GTA) trek through the western Italian Alps. The 809km (503 mile) route is presented in 55 stages with each stage ranging from 7-26km (4-16 miles). Beginning at the Nufenen pass at the Swiss border the route traverses the Lepontine, Pennine, Graian, Cottian and Maritime Alps to finish at Ventimiglia on the Mediterranean coast. With nearly 60,000m of ascent this route is suitable for fit and experienced alpine trekkers. This guidebook contains route description and 1:00,000 mapping for each stage as well as information on the region's history, culture and wildlife. Accommodation, facilities and public transport information is also given to help with trek planning. Italy's western Alps is an area of high mountain passes, sparkling lakes, clean air, and alpine meadows rich in wildflowers. With a network of paths that enabled travel long before the motor car, the region is ideally suited to exploring on foot. From Switzerland to the Mediterranean, the GTA enables the visitor to travel the old ways through the mountains, hearing the stories, sampling the regional specialties in food and wine, and experiencing the famously warm welcome of the Italian people.
EAN: 9781786310408
Uitgeverij: Cicerone Press
Verschijningsdatum: 2023
Meest recente editie
208 pagina's
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